Understanding Life after Limb Loss

Eric Gaba, a committed research fellow with the European Union Horizon 2020 MSCA COFUND imπACT program at Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium, is focusing on an important issue. Lower limb amputation leads to significant physical changes, making it harder for amputees to move around and maintain their independence. Amputees often deal with emotional and psychological struggles, as well as internal and external stigma. Since disability can happen to anyone, it’s crucial to understand and support the emotional and psychological recovery of amputees by learning about their lived experiences.
At this station, you’ll be introduced to the real-life experiences of amputees. You’ll also have the chance to step into their shoes and see what it’s like to use a prosthesis. During this hands-on session, you’ll experience the forces on a residual limb socket, giving you a deeper understanding of the challenges amputees face. Join me to gain empathy and insight of the challenges amputees face.

Hands-on station

Location: Universität Graz, RESOWI, Building Element C, LS 15.03 (Universitätsstraße 15)
Station from: Vrije University Brussels-Belgium
Language: English
Age: from 14 years
Duration: 15 min