Feeding Your Gut for a Healthier Brain

At Vrije Universiteit Brussel in Belgium, Parkash Singh Rawat, a dedicated research fellow within the European Union Horizon 2020 MSCA COFUND imπACT program, is exploring the crucial connection between diet, gut health, and brain function.
Did you know that your gut bacteria not only regulate your gut health but also impact the physiology of distant organs, including the brain? When the gut-brain axis malfunctions, it can lead to diseases like multiple sclerosis, anxiety, and Parkinson’s.
Diet plays a key role in influencing the gut microbiota and, consequently, the gut-brain axis. By adjusting your diet—adding or minimizing certain foods—you can improve your overall gut health and positively affect the gut-brain connection. In this hands-on station, you will learn which types of foods are best for your gut health and how they work. You will also discover the potential outcomes of your dietary choices on various brain disorders. Join me to understand the powerful link between what you eat and how your brain functions!

Hands-on station

Location: Universität Graz, RESOWI, Bauteil C, LS 15.03 (Universitätsstraße 15)
Station from: Vrije University Brussels-Belgium
Language: English
Age: from 14 years
Duration: 15 min